Saturday, January 18, 2014

Week 8- Posts 1-3

What have you done?

We have you completed the circuits project and the first two investigations on magnetism. 

What have you learned?

After completing the first two magnetism activities, we have learned a number of new things. First of all, we learned that not all metals react to magnets. While conducting the investigation, we noticed that the nickel coins did not react to the magnets. Nickel is a metal and there was not magnetic pull or push, therefor we have concluded that not all metals react to magnets. Second of all, we learned that static electricity can work in a similar fashion as magnetism. While working on the second investigation a straw charged with static could attract other objects. We also observed that two objects charged with static could repel each other.

After completing our Circuits Project this week, we learned a number of new things. First of all, we learned how to calculate the killowattage per hour of objects. We learned that the formula used for this is (Wattage x time)/1000. Second of all, we learned that insulating houses and installing energy saving light bulbs could lower the total amount of electricity used. If a home has good insulation then the heating and cooling appliances will not have to run as much and for as long, since either the heat or cold will kept in the home. Also, energy saving bulbs save energy and therefore, save electricity.

How will what you learned help you later on in the unit

All of what I have learned will help me to prepare for the upcoming tests and quizzes, for I will most likely be asked to answer questions on the topics that I have covered.

What you plan to do next:

Study everyday for at least 45 min for the final exam.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Week 7- Posts 1-3

a.    Which labs, activities and/or videos have you completed?  

I have watched the first magnetism video, completed the first magnetism lab activity, and am just about wrapping up my circuits project. 

b.    What did you learn and what questions do you still need to ask? 

       Over the course of the last week, I learned a number of new things related to magnetism. First of all, I learned that magnetism is basically a force of attraction or repulsion by opposite poles. This also means that two negatives will repel just as two positives will. Also, a positive and a negative will attract. Second of all, I learned that magnets react differently to the various metals that they may come into contact with. For example, while working on investigation 1, I found that neither the regular, nor the super magnets were reacted to aluminum and copper. The magnets did, however, have a strong attraction to the steel nails. Last, I learned that the area around a magnet that has a charge is called the magnetic field ( 

     c.     How will what you learn help you to complete the projects for this unit?  
a     The information I learned over the last week has laid the foundation of my understanding of magnetism. I think that I now have a basic understanding of magnetism and that from now onwards more information relating to magnetism can be taught to me without much confusion. All that I have learned so far will help me to understand the rest of the material in the unit efficiently and without much difficulty.  
     d.    What do you plan to do next and when do you think you will complete your next step? 
      Day 1: School- complete lab activities 2-3 Home- watch second magnetism video 
      Day 2: School- complete activity 4 Home- finish circuits project, write down any questions to ask about exam  
      Day 3: School- Hand in project, ask any questions I have for exam, work on activity 5 Home- review for exam 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Week 6 Post 1-3

a.    Which labs, activities and/or videos have you completed?   

I have completed the floor plan, circuit design, and have begun to work on the written section of the circuits project.

b.    What did you learn and what questions do you still need to ask? 

o    The work that I did over the last week or so has mainly reinforced and reminded me of the information, which I have learned over the last few weeks. For example, creating the circuit on which of my home's lights and appliances are wired reminded me of the properties of circuits and how circuits are constructed. I was reminded that constructing a parallel circuit is the best option if you want a number of plugs and lights to get that same voltage of electricity, since the number of volts running through a parallel circuit is the same throughout, by the requirement on the project handout that asked you to create a circuit that would maximize the use of electricity. I was also reminded that parallel circuits are better than series circuits when there are multiple bulbs and sources of resistance attached because they can have multiple bulbs attached to them without there being a large decrease in the speed and flow of current. The design of parallel circuits makes for this. Unlike series circuits, parallel circuits designed to have multiple rings and loops within the circuit, with multiple paths for the current to flow through. There is not one set, as in the series circuit. This difference can be better explained by the formulas used by each type of circuit to calculate the total resistance. Series circuits use the formula R= R1+R2+R3. the resistances are added. Parallel circuits use the formula R= 1 / R = 1 / R1 + 1 / R2. The resistances are not added in the same manor, which makes for the total resistance of parallel circuits to generally be significantly less than that of series circuits. 

     c.      How will what you learn help you to complete the projects for this unit?  
      What I have learned over that last week will help me complete this project, as well as help me to complete upcoming tests and quizes, particularly the unit test, as all of this information will be on it. 

     d.     What do you plan to do next and when do you think you will complete your next step?  

     Winter Break:  Finish project before the end of break and complete all the quizes on circuits.